Book Club Kit
Messsage for KitKeeper patrons:
Please note that the program that we use to manage our book club kits will be unavailable beginning December 31, 2024 until early 2025. Greater Sudbury Public LIbrary is working on a replacement.
To find out about available book club kits, please contact your local branch for assistance.
You will need to have your library barcode and PIN ready to be able to reserve a book club kit from the Greater Sudbury Public Library (GSPL). You can browse our list of titles or choose a kit based on its availability for the date you need to pick it up. Kits can be picked up at any library location, but keep in mind that delivery time means we need at least 5 days' notice to get the kit to you on time.
Kit availability may vary; click on the Book Club Kits List to see the full list of book club kit titles.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Book Club Kit?
Book Club Kits contain 5 - 10 copies of one title. The kit may also contain a discussion guide, reviews, a sign-out sheet, and an author biography where available.
Who can borrow Book Club Kits?
Anyone with a valid GSPL card.
Can I browse the book club kit collection in person?
No. To find out about available book club kits, please contact your local branch for assistance.
Can Book Club Kits be reserved in advance?
Yes this is preferred! Kits are in storage otherwise, so they must be requested in advance of pickup. Patrons hoping to get a kit on the spot will have to wait for Technical Services staff to verify availability and bring the kit upstairs.
How do I know if the kit I want is available?
Kit availability may vary; you can browse our list of titles or choose a kit based on its availability for the date you need to pick it up. Kits can be picked up at any library location, but keep in mind that delivery time means we need at least 5 days' notice to get the kit to you on time.
How long can book clubs keep a Kit?
Book Clubs check kits out for 6 weeks.
Can Book Club Kits be renewed?
Sort of. Book Club Kits can be reserved again if no other clubs are waiting for the title.
Forward all renewal requests to Rebecca or Kaylie.
How many kits does GSPL have?
The most up-to-date list is the Book Club Kits List.
I saw a kit, but now I don’t?
Kit availability is subject to change. If a kit becomes unusable or unavailable for public bookings, it will be removed from the list. It may not be replaced so be prepared to have to choose another title.
How are Book Club Kits selected?
GSPL’s Book Club facilitator librarians carefully choose titles after consulting experts, reviews and current events.
What if I need more copies than what is in the kit?
Groups can request any of the copies in the circulating collection, however, these copies are subject to availability and will be fulfilled as part of our regular holds processes whenever they become available.
Patrons may also request to ILL books through our Interlibrary Loan Book Club Request Form. We cannot guarantee the quantity of copies or when they will be delivered and members may still have to share copies as necessary. The usual rules around what we can borrow from other libraries via ILL will still apply.