TD Summer Reading Club

Greater Sudbury Public Library presents:
A summer full of free activities for families
Greater Sudbury Public Library (GSPL) will be hosting activities and events for families all summer long throughout the City of Greater Sudbury. The TD Summer Reading Club celebrates Canadian authors, illustrators and stories, and inspires kids to explore the fun of reading. GSPL staff have specifically created engaging and educational activities designed to inspire a lifelong love of reading.
Programs include activities such as:
- Rainbow Story Time – an outdoor painting and writing activity to create a piece of art or writing that represents you and your hue;
- Monsters and Rainbows – a group reading of The Color Monster & A Color of His Own followed by an activity to create your own unique set of colour monsters;
- Bedtime Book Club – partner program with Better Beginnings Better Futures.
Studies show that school-age children can experience significant learning losses over the summer, most notably in the areas of reading and math. The summer programs created by GSPL not only provide lots of fun things for kids to do during the summer but also encourage them to continue to read while they are out of school.
This year there is a focus on providing accessibility to family programs by bringing them to areas of the community where families gather, not just in the library, but in free community spaces like parks, and trails. By doing this we hope to reach children and families who are not already users of the library, and to remove as many barriers as possible for public access to library programming.
For more details and to register for summer programs, visit our events calendar.
For more information please contact:
Coordinator; Programs & Outreach
(705) 673-1155 x4754