French resources
Encyclopædia Universalis
Accédez à plus de 30 000 articles signés par 7000 auteurs spécialistes et plus de 30 000 médias.
Encyclopædia Universalis Junior
Conçue et rédigée en partenariat avec des professionnels de l'enseignement et de l'enfance, Universalis Junior est construite spécifiquement pour les plus jeunes, dès maîtrise de la lecture: vocabulaire progressif, articles adaptés aux temps de lecture, complémentarité texte/image, explications claires et démonstratives.
Encyclopédie canadienne
Encyclopédie Découverte
L'Encyclopédie Découverte offre des activités pratiques qui aideront les jeunes élèves à s'intéresser à la recherche. Vous trouverez des cartes du monde d'aujourd'hui dans les articles pertinents, y compris les articles sur les provinces, les États, les pays et les articles historiques.
Généalogie Quebec
Discover your family history with the largest collection of Quebec historical and genealogical documents online!
Our Ontario Discovery Portal
Find digital photos, maps, videos, podcasts, and documents about Ontario people, places, events, history and culture.
The site offers three related databases on the population of Quebec up to 1850. Navigation in English or French. Content in French. The Repertory of Vital Events lists baptismal, marriage and death records from Catholic parishes, missions, and institutions in Quebec prior to 1800. It also includes another 20 000 entries from immigration lists, census records, marriage contracts, etc. The Genealogical Dictionary lists individuals born or landed in Quebec between 1621 and 1765, as well as their parents, spouses, and children. The Repertory of Couples gives the names of spouses' parents, as well as the names of their children who were married prior to 1800.
Termium Plus
Use TERMIUM Plus® to obtain the latest terminology in nearly all fields or find the equivalent in either official language of an acronym, initialism or abbreviation. Finding the right words in English, French or Spanish has just become easier with the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank. There is also an interesting selection of writing tools to help you with any questions you may have about usage and style.